Julie Ann Hepburn

Wealth Building & Income Longevity Financial Advisor
A member of the Prosperity Economics Movement Advisors’ Network and the Eldercare Financial Network

“There has to be a better way,” says Julie Ann Hepburn, founder of National Private Client Group LLC, a financial advisory firm headquartered in Chicago, which promotes sound wealth building principles that leave behind the broken system of traditional financial planning. In her work with clients nationwide, Julie Ann’s approach uses a combination of historically sound financial solutions, which focuses on safeguarding principal and increasing the efficient use of investment dollars to build sustainable wealth and income longevity.

Income longevity is her mantra.

“The longer we live, the better chance there is that we will outlive our money,” says Julie Ann. Her advisory practice uses a three-prong approach to building long-term wealth:

  • A savings/financing vehicle with financial legacy benefits;
  • Unconventional investment solutions that produce consistent returns with less risk than “playing the stock market”; and
  • A long-term care plan to ensure that your money outlives you and provides a financial legacy for those you leave behind.

A veteran of the traditional employee benefits, estate and investment planning arena for clients, Julie Ann recognizes that the system of financial planning we’ve become accustomed to in the United States no longer works. Almost two decades ago, she began to question whether the financial products and plans she was selling her clients made them financially independent. After a lot of research, she discovered the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) that showed her the wealth-building power of participating whole life insurance sold by a mutual insurance company.

From that point on, she was willing to disrupt the traditional financial planning model, giving up her Securities license and CFP certification, to help her clients build sustainable wealth and become self-empowered financial managers. Her brand of IBC, also known as privatized banking, is Self-Empowered Banking™, which serves as the foundation of a sound money management program designed to protect principal, create wealth, and provide income longevity.

Participating whole life insurance from a mutual insurance company is a historically safe and secure financial instrument for saving cash, and for using that cash to help finance lifestyle or eliminate debt, without diminishing principal.

As Julie Ann continued to research and learn more about how people invested and saved before everything became about the stock market, shareholder returns, and interest rates, she met other financial advisors who had left conventional financial planning behind. She learned about different types of investments, which until recently, were only available to institutional investors and those with extreme wealth. These unconventional investment solutions are the second foundational block in creating a sustainable wealth building, income longevity portfolio.

Personal experience brought Julie Ann to the third foundational block of her financial planning approach – long-term care planning. The primary reason that many people outlive their income is often unforeseen, and therefore unprepared for – healthcare and aging issues. In most cases, people are in denial about the aging process. They likely grew up in extended families where children took care of elderly parents and relatives and expect their children to do the same for them.

Today’s family looks very different, with children often elsewhere in the world from their parents and grandparents or vice versa. Even with all the sophistication of traditional financial planning, most folks don’t deal with the impacts of growing old – they see retirement as jetting off to see all the places they didn’t have time for during their working years, doting on grandchildren or moving to the home/city of their dreams.

They don’t consider that once they retire – life moves from collecting assets to managing income and cash flow. There is often no plan for which assets to use for what purpose at what time during retirement years. A long-term care plan should show how to integrate Social Security funds, how to structure Medicare and supplemental programs for maximum benefits, and how other long-term care solutions, such as non-traditional asset-based long-term care insurance, factor into the income picture.

Sustainable Wealth = Income Longevity

Through the three-prong approach of whole life insurance, unconventional investment solutions and long-term care planning, Julie Ann shows clients how to build sustainable wealth by using the assets they collect now to create income longevity for the future.

She believes that economic volatility is creating a new consumer – one that is increasingly cautious and is listening, looking and learning. She finds prospective clients are more willing to explore and become more knowledgeable so that they are in better control of their financial environment.

Julie Ann is a licensed Life, Health and Long-Term Care (LTC) insurance professional and an Investment Advisor Representative (IRA) under the Partners 4 Prosperity Registered Investment Advisory (RIA). She is a member of the Prosperity Economics Movement Advisors’ Network and the Eldercare Financial Network. In her financial advisory practice, Julie Ann offers clients the best and most up-to-date information and options available by working closely with several major mutual life insurance carriers, an exclusive group of alternative investment firms and long-term care and elder care planning resource companies.

She regularly speaks in venues around the country and holds regular web conferences to share new ideas and case studies on how clients are restructuring their financial position through her three-prong approach. She is available to speak to private groups upon request. Contact her at 312.957.9400 or [email protected] or schedule an appointment.